kazakh (2156608)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (28 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

PJ\'s recolors
Published Aug 8, 2008
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About Me
I'm from Hungary, I'm 30, have a husband and some pets - but you already know this from my profile
Now some extra information:
The pets are 3 dogs and 2 cats. I love them!
I met the Sims first time in the library. My husband said once, he read about a fantastic game named "The Sims" i should try it. So i went to the library and lent the game. That was the start of all...
Now i play the sims2 instead of sims1, and i'd like to learn how to create objects. I find TSR a really useful site, here are a lot of tutorials and more helpful people.
Thanks for reading this! Have a nice day
My Latest Updates Show All
Castle of DévaWritten Apr 22, 2009
Every culture has its own myth about a great project which is impossible or very hard to complete. You know, the tower of Babel for example. We Hungarian have the Castle of Déva. Once upon a time there was building a castle in the City named Déva. But it was a really dificult task, because the wall what was built until night, collapsed by day, and what was built until day... ...More
First postWritten Apr 20, 2009
Hi Everyone! I'm back, at least I hope I'm back :) I try to be a little more active here on the site. First I put a poll on my site. I think polls are very useful little stuffs because they make possible to know other peoples opinions and help them to earn kudos. Have a very nice week! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
tiftopazeJun 19, 2009
thanks for your comments on my screenshots, don't hesitate to critic the others, have a nice day
fredbrennyJun 02, 2009
Thanks alot for commenting on my screenshots! Have a wonderful day! Frederique
MJxoMay 30, 2009
Heya, Just here to say thankyou for taking part in my poll. Hope you have a lovely weekend and i'll talk to you soon Mariah