kero20 (842399)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Published Mar 9, 2007
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SasetkaDec 20, 2007
Zycze Ci smacznego Karpia, mnostwa prezentow, wesolej, roztanczonej i rozswietlonej choinki. A takze przy okazji Szczesliwego Nowego Roku i niesamowicie szampanskiego Sylwestra!
RockinRobinApr 18, 2007
Thanks for commenting on my Clothing Tutorial and I'm glad you found it helpful. I look forward to seeing some clothes from you soon!
AstartaApr 10, 2007
Hi Kero Thank you for commenting on my work and for leaving those nice words. I am really glad you like my creations and thank you for your continued support. Have a great day and happy simming