kkffoo (1317710)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (63 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Flamingo Dancer Granny
Published Mar 16, 2007
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
I live in the North East of England with my family and pets including three very pampered bantam hens.
I love this site and playing sims.
I make photo-stories for this site, and it's sometimes frustrating, but most of the time a lot of fun.
I enjoy using TSR custom content, as it often gives me ideas for storylines, and helps to flesh out the characters.
Thanks to ALL the custom content makers out there who make using this site so much fun, and thanks so much to those members who take the time to write comments on my work.
Thanks to everyone who reads my stories, I love to read all your comments.
My Latest Updates Show All
MoviestormWritten Apr 25, 2007
Hi guys, I've been helping as a beta tester for a new movie program and it's kept me somewhat busy! You can keep up with some of the results on my youtube site http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=Kkffootube ...More
Second LifeWritten Mar 27, 2007
Hi All! This week I joined second life, an online sim like game. I won't link as the there are two versions, teen and adult and the adult version is not pg13. I'm still absorbing my experiences of SL and they are not all positive by any means. The best thing so far is the ability to meet up with online friends for virtual social events, and encountering the work of the best model... ...More
New Story PublishedWritten Mar 13, 2007
I even surprised myself with this one. After the long drawn out process of 1)learning to shoot video 2)manage moving animations and then 3)edit the results together so they make some sort of sense returning to photostories made a wonderful change. I just wish I could add a warning sticker to deter those readers looking for something more TSR mainstream. They will surely... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
DOTDec 22, 2014
Happy Holidays to you kkffoo! Wishing Peace and Chocolate to the world!
behemoth_blueDec 05, 2014
Hey! Thank you for the comment! Glad you like it. Have a great day!
behemoth_blueNov 01, 2014
Hi! Thanks for the comment. I'll try to expand the background of the characters in the following chapters. I'm glad you like them. Have a nice day!