lemonloveshane (1208622)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (364 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

D&G Fall Winter 2008-09
Published Jul 1, 2008
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MOVING TO A NEW ADDRESSWritten Aug 23, 2009
Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for a long long time, I have been very busy with everything. This is just a quick note to let you know that I won't be updating my account here anymore. Everything will still be here for free at all times, I just won't be adding new things. In case you still feel like downloading my CC, here's the link to my new home: LemonLoveShane's LiveJournal... ...More
Merry Christmas!Written Dec 25, 2008
Jingle Bells! Merry Christmas everyone! I wish you a great and happy time around your family and friends and I hope you have a safe, warm and delightful holiday! I also wanted to thank all of my friends and fellow creators for leaving such nice Christmas wishes! I love you all!! Drive safe, get loads of presents, and stay kind to others! ~In the loving memory of... ...More
Look! A flying Lemon!Written Jun 25, 2008
Just making a note to say that I won't be uploading anything for a while. My family and I are moving to the United States. We're leaving on the 29th of June, which is pretty close. So after the "Swum" set and the D&G set, there won't be any new sets, until we settle there and I get a computer. Wish me luck! Xxx Faranak :D ...More
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jes sale Jul 03, 2015
cool stuff!
sandrakg951Jun 17, 2014
Love your stuff!!! your fantastic
SimsolovelyDec 21, 2010
I LOVE your creations,
they're so beautiful !
Thank you so much for sharing