littleb920 (3031312)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (38 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

B Designs Sunpowder65 Request
Published May 16, 2010
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About Me
Hi everyone!! Thanks for stopping by my mini site
I�m Belinda, but everyone calls me Bee. I�m 23 and live in Upstate, NY. I�m a starving artist� ha-ha not really I eat quite well but am going to college to be an Art Teacher, gotta make a living, but really on my spare time I like to build different houses or paint.
Umm what else can I say? I build houses from big to small and from modern to traditional. I get most of my ideas from house plans and some from around my town, my head or from watching TV.
Well that�s it for now you can check out my blog I�m going to start blogging cuz I find it fun and love to these what people think about my thoughts
I hope that you enjoy my creations and playing them!!
My Latest Updates Show All
Working on Lot that was request to me by Sunpowder65... Tell me what you think!!Written May 12, 2010
I got a private message the other day for a request lot. They wanted a one floor 5br+3ba house with plenty of outdoor space for their sims to play around. Here's a sneak peak at what I have so far should be uploaded by tonight ready for download in a day or two... Tell me what you think! ...More
New Lot Coming Soon!Written Mar 28, 2010
I haven't published a new lot in awhile because I been crazy busy planning my wedding haven't really had the time but tomorrow will be my down time and I'm going to make two new starter lots. The last one I made for 14,850 was pretty popular and their fairly quick to make so I'm going to try and make a series of nice starter lots for you Sims on a tight budget so keep a look out for them :)... ...More
Mall is Finally Done!!!Written Mar 08, 2010
Look out for it should be published in a Day or two :D I made two verisons hopefully they accept both a Subscriber and Free verison so everyone can enjoy it. Took me about a week... Pics of them are in my screenshots. -B ...More
My Guestbook Show All
octoberaxeJun 05, 2012
Hey-I followed teh instructions on Mod the Sims twice and i never got it to work. I even took up space with downloading thier 7Zip program they recommended. Help?
hatshepsutJun 27, 2010
Thank you for signing my guestbook. To take pics with ceilings in put the walls full up, hit tab and you'll get full camera control and zoom in on the room you want to photograph. You'll probably need to do this in live mode.
brainoconnerApr 09, 2010
heey there i like the cardealer ont i wil the cars in your cardealer