loopyproductions (2540930)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (43 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Casa Montero
Published Jun 8, 2010
About Me
Hello, my in-game name is LoopyPro (short for LoopyProductions), I'm from the Netherlands. my real-life name is Leroy.
I've been away for a while but I'm back. I have a fresh computer so I can do what I used to do, wich is making houses and other lots for you and your sims (TS2). 2.5 years ago when TS3 came out, I played it for a while but somehow I still prefer to play TS2, wich is also the game I'll make houses and other lots for. I'm trying to respond to your comments, questions etc. as fast as possible. I haven't been on TSR for a while, so sorry for not responding.
I also saw that I passed the 25k downloads recently, great and thx everyone =D
Loopy, January 2012
My Guestbook Show All
theangeliquemonteJun 11, 2010
you're welcome
JCIssetteMay 27, 2010
Hi Loopy!! Thanks for your lovely comment on my building. I would love to explain the submission process. Send me a pm to remind me and I will try to explain it from start to finish. It is easier than Sims2, believe me and fairly self-explainatory. I can't do it today because I am flying to Texas in a little while for a funeral. I just don't have the time. I look forward to the pm and to your lots. We always need new fresh talent. Have a great day. Hugs, Judy
FluffyAuntyDiMar 07, 2010
your very welcome