lwilfong (944571)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (183 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Sheffield Bedroom - White
Published Apr 10, 2007
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About Me
Hi, my name is Lisa. I'm 35 and I live in Northern Iowa. I'm a nursing student and a Sims addict. The two are often in conflict I try to keep my priorities straight, but sometimes I have to stop playing just long enough to study for a test or something.
My Latest Updates Show All
Hello AgainWritten Aug 14, 2007
First of all, I want to thank everyone for their support. I've been away for a few months due to my mother's health. Her surgery was successful, and she is back home and doing well. Everyone here at TSR has been wonderful. Thanks again. ~Lisa ...More
Out of TownWritten May 02, 2007
Sorry I haven’t uploaded anything lately. I went on an impromptu vacation to see my family in San Antonio, Texas. My sister bought a new house and I hadn’t seen my parents in about six months. It was just one of those things. But, I’m home now. I will be uploading something this week. I don’t know if I’ll be keeping my schedule. I will continue the Sheffield collection, but the kitchen might... ...More
Poll ResultsWritten Apr 19, 2007
My mini-site has been getting a little bit more traffic lately; and as a result, my poll has been getting a few more votes. Currently, more visitors would like to see a kitchen project more than any other did. Therefore, I am doing the research and following the necessary tutorials that I will need to complete such a project. Since I am very pleased with the Sheffield theme, I plan to... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
charrayApr 25, 2009
Your creations are wonderful Great job on them, Thanks so much for sharing
ShylariaJun 21, 2008
Iwilfong, I just love your work. Your furnishing, wall and floor coverings are very elegant. Thank you so much for sharing!
biatch1965May 09, 2007
Your creations and recolors are terrific, thanks for sharing!!