mattphipps68 (2399160)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (30 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Construction Materials COLLECTION
Published Mar 3, 2012
About Me
I sim to live and I live to sim. Wait a minute - isn't it the other way around? No matter - either way is accurate.
I may not be a very prolific artist, but what I create I put my heart & soul into. For the moment I'm working on object RC's and walls, floors, & terrains - I'm too much of a chicken right now to try my hand at meshing. I'll leave that for the established experts (Blender, Milkshape & GIMP all confuse me horribly). Even SimPe can be a challenge at times; sooooo much coding and - at times - countless variables to be aware off. "You want a line where? On what axis? What's a "bone"? lol
My Latest Updates Show All
OK - I'm late to the party, but I went ahead and upgraded to Sims3 (and I LOVE my witch sim...).Written Apr 15, 2013
Yeah, yeah, I know - Sims 3 has been out for a while and I finally caught up with everybody.... It's a bit confusing at times trying to figure out the new UI and how build-mode functions, but I'll survive. The one expansion I absolutely LOVE, though, is Supernatural. I'm having such a blast as a self-employed Alchemist-Witch! ...More
Game Wiped Out, But Now Restored (Mostly...)Written Mar 01, 2012
I had a bit of a hitch last week when I used a CAS! switching program and it wiped out my game. I lost everything - my hoods, families, customized extra sims - all gone. Well, MOST of it has been restored due to my paranoia in backing up the majority of my customizations. I still don't have my old hoods and their respective residents, but they can be rebuilt and restored... ...More
Not so frustrated anymore - I got a small paint set uploaded (finally!) - woohoo!Written Feb 18, 2012
Angela at TSR is a godsend. After several days of communication on the forums she was able to determine that the reason why I couldn't submit anything was that Internet Explorer 9 disagrees with TSR's new cloud setup. She recommended I use Firefox. I was hesitant at first, but once I figured out the new layout and got my bookmarks straightened out it was pretty smooth... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
srgmls23Oct 22, 2014
Olá (hi) I apologize for this late answer (is already usual ),
but this time it took longer, because my mother was very sick,
and i take care of her...
A great thank you for your lovely comment on my lot ( Sterling )
I am really happy to know that you like it... have a lovely day...hugs Sergio
altea127Oct 04, 2013
Hi thank you so much for your comment
AngelaSep 05, 2013
Hi there, thank you for your comments!