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maylynn55's Blog

Hi Everyone,

I must apologize for not uploading anything here any more. I will be back full time to uploading things onto this site again, but probably not in the near future. I can't even play the game anymore because I don't have the time. I miss playing the game, I miss creating things for the game and for this community -- and most of all I miss my friends and all the people of this TSR community!

I am going to college full-time for a Graphic Design & Multimedia Associates Degree, and then as soon as I graduate that program I will be continuing to get my Bachelors Degree in Web Design & Multimedia. The homework and classes keeps me busy all of the time. This term I am taking an "American Govenment and Politics Today" class, and also "Multimedia: Presentation Graphics" using Adobe(Macromedia) Flash CS3. It's a lot of work but I love learning new things! Eventually I will be able to use my new found knowledge to create better things for the game than just walls, floors and object re-colors.

I want to thank everyone who has left such wonderful comments on my walls, floors and object re-colors; it means so much to know that other people like my work/creations. I sincerely apologize for not answering peoples guestbook entrys and/or comments - but I truly do appreciate that people downloaded my stuff, and then wrote nice things about them...THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!

Happy Simming everyone! :)

Castle and Dungeon Walls and Floors

Hello Everyone, I hope everyone is enjoying the new year so far. I'm not done uploading the last of my Lace Wall sets - I still have 11 sets yet to go: 4 Paisley, 2 Plaid and 4 Stripes. But in the meantime I thought I would upload something new for me - some walls that would look excellent in castles and dungeons or where ever your imagination takes you. Here's a preview of the castle walls in gray (they also come in a dirt brown) - I hope you check back again soon, I have so many ideas for new kinds of walls. Have a fantastic 2007! Hugs, May :)


Happy New Year to everyone! Wishing evetyone a bright and joyous 2007!!!

I hope the new year brings everyone their heart's desires. May you all be safe, prosperous, and healthy throughout the coming year.

May :D

Happy Holidays!!

I'm sorry I didn't get any holiday wall sets or holiday themed items done early enough this year to be published before Christmas. I promise to be early next year.

I want to thank everyone who has downloaded my creations this past year - you are appreciated more than words can say. And thank you for all the "Thank You(s)"!!!

I want to wish everyone a Happy & Safe New Year! I hope 2007 brings you all your heart's desires!

Happy Simming!!

Hugs, May :D


As I promised here are the other three (3) Pugs: This is a MALE FAWN pug named Kojak - This is a FEMALE black pug named Ebony - And finally this is a MALE black pug named Samson - I hope you enjoy having these pugs in your game! Katie, Yoda, Ivy and I all wish you Happy Simming!! NOTE: The only thing I ask is that no one RESUBMIT my Pugs onto this site or any other site - PLEASE!

PUGS by MayLynn55 for YOU!

Greetings, I was not very impressed by the Pug breed that is offered in The Sims 2: Pets, So Katie and I tweaked it until we came up with a Pug that looks like a real Pug. This first one is a female, and I named her Queenie - you can name her whatever you want We hope you enjoy her. ** I will be uploading three (3) more pugs in the next day or so. There will be a male fawn colored pug and a male and a female black pug. NOTE: The only thing I ask is that no one RESUBMIT my Pugs onto this site or any other site - PLEASE!

Lace Walls & Floors

Hello Everyone!

I am going to be submitting my new sets SLOWLY. Usually I rush to get them all up on TSR and then don't have anything ready to submit for a month or so; so this time I am going to be releasing only 3 to 6 sets a week approximately, it may be more, but hopefully not less. I have one more month of this college session and then I have a short break, at which time I will start submitting some new things. In the mean time I hope everyone enjoys these latest sets of lace walls and floors.

Take care and stay healthy & happy! May :o)

Lace Sets will be perfect for the Glamour Life Pack!

As I stated in my last blog entry I started Graphic Design school on August 2nd. I had forgotten about the amount of time needed to go to college. When I graduated from X-RAY school 23 years ago I was still young and energetic, heck I was only 28 years old with all my future ahead of me. Now I'm 51, with a lot of my life behind me, a serious lack of energy and a pain level that is sky high. Oh, I'm NOT giving up, don't get me's just a lot harder being able to do it all like I used to.

Which brings me to the lace sets I am working on. First of all there are a lot of them; 466 walls and 131 floors. I wanted to give an update to my progress with them. I still have to package the floors, the walls are finally ALL packaged. After everything is in packages then I will make my preview pictures and after that I can start submitting them to TSR - hopefully this week. That is the goal I have set and will be working on. After these sets are done I will definitely be limiting my future sets to more manageable sizes! ;-) And I will be doing something other than lace!! LOL!


For all of you that had just about given up hope of seeing anything new here on my site, the wait is almost over! I have everything in HomeCrafter, but I still need to package everything...which doesn't take quite as long to do. These last lace sets feature three different wallpapers (as you can see below; there is a paisley, a plaid and a stripe) in many colors and 7 different laces, in many different combinations for a total of 466 walls and 131 floors! I don't know why I make such large sets of walls and floors...except for the fact that I just want people to have their choice of colors and some variety of the designs. This will be the last set of lace wallpapers that I will be doing, at least for the time being as I am all "laced" out! :) Here is a preview picture of some of the walls: I am working on some recolors of BitzyBus's Mirror Floor Tile and also some recolors of some of the Maxis pictures. I want to try my hand at some new and different things in the future; although my first love will probably always be walls and floors, I need to broaden my creative interests. To this end I have decided to go back to college to learn some new things, mainly graphic design and multimedia. Today is my first day of school, needless to say I am very excited, but also somewhat nervous. I have chosen an online college environment, as it best suits my needs; as I spend at least 30% to 40% of my time in front of my computer anyways I might as well get an education while I'm sitting here! :) Please wish me luck. Have a great day! May :)

My Puggie Babies!

I hope you enjoy the picture and their story. Usually I reserve this spot for what I'm working on, but today I just wanted to share a picture of my "babies". That's Yoda (4 years old, female and a Pisces, March 14th) on the left and Ivy (3 years old, female and an Aries (like me), March 31st) on the right. I live in Maine and both girls came from Kansas (about 1200 miles away), it's interesting because I "adopted" (bought) them a year apart from the same place; and when I got Ivy's papers from the AKC I found out that they were half-sisters, what a surprise that was! They don't look anything alike and their personalities are like night and day. Yoda, the "Boss" is very demanding and even a little overbearing at times, whereas Ivy is very sweet natured and loving. Both girls have to be where ever "Mom" is, which is okay with me, because they both keep me company while I "play" at my computer. We all hope you have a great day! May, Yoda & Ivy :)

Latest Headlines

Castle and Dungeon Walls and Floors HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Happy Holidays!! MORE PUGS! PUGS by MayLynn55 for... Lace Walls &... Lace Sets will be perfect for... FINALLY.... My Puggie Babies!
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