mch36504 (2646334)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

European Retreat
Published Jun 24, 2010
About Me
Ive been a fan and content creator of sims since sims 1, I was a HUGE fan of sims 2, and I loved to build houses on the sims 1 and 2. I am curious to see how sims 3 goes... My favorite thing to do on sims is build lots, and since sims 3 came out, design objects. A few things I've done and accomplished so far... I am a member of 'SIMposium', a featured artist in 'Creator's forum', became the 38th featured member of THESIMS3.COM, was the 2nd person to upload edited pics on, first person to get 1000 recommends on my page on the and discovered individual roof slope for sims 3. My goal is to create great and realistic lots. Roof-ing is the most important part of a lot in my opinion. I also try in keeping the 'playability' in my lots, which is something most other lots lack. I 'playtest' everything to make sure that every usuable object can be accessable to sims, which can sometimes take a lot of work and time... I hope you enjoy my content as much as I did. My dream is to visit EA with other great Sims 3 players. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks to everyone who downloaded and recommended my content, it means a whole lot to me, and it pushes me to create more
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LightSide93Jul 24, 2009
Hey M. Thank you so much for your comments. And sorry for not replying to your question earlier.
How I made the triangular walls? I used three things:
The terrain tool. The The constrainfloorelevation cheat, and stairs.
First I make the place where I want to make the walls, then I raise them using a wall with a raised terrain under it.
Using the cheat of course, I level those walls and make them of a new height. Then I make a room space so to insert the stairs.(Place tiles over them) Of course, you have to activate and deactivate the cheat several times, so that to make them slant after removing each piece of stairs.
Hope this helps, even though its complicating I think.
LightSide93Jul 01, 2009
Your Welcome Mch! If you need any help, just ask, I would always love to help. ~Light~
mch36504Jun 28, 2009
Thanks for the comments Light! Much apperitiated!