megatigerlili (4028319)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Panton Chair
Published Oct 14, 2012
About Me
Hi! I'm 21 years old japanese man living in shizuoka city. I'm playing SIMS 3 occasionally. Because I'm writing a advance generation style of science fiction novel and i want to add some image of futuristic style houses in my book. So I'm making a original hightech design furniture in TSRW software when I'm at leisure. I'm usually using a BLENDER 3D CG software for modeling a furniture objects. My hobby is making a modern design of robot or cyborg character on Photoshop and Blender, and making a short CGI animation on Blender software, and writing a SF novel. I like to watch SF movies like the movie of TRON LEGACY, I ROBOT and AVATAR. Because advance technologies are awsome! All my creations are TSRAA, feel free to use them, but don�t reupload, or claim them as your own, don�t forget to give me credits and linke back to my miniside. Thank you!
My Guestbook Show All
CanellineNov 01, 2012
Hello Lili, thank you so much for you nice comment on my Elegant Sideboard, I'm really happy that you like it . Have a nice weekend .
PralinesimsMar 14, 2012
Thank you for commenting! Its very appreciated! Have a lovely evening
OnyxiumDec 11, 2011
In the meantime, I'm not an architect.