melapples (7204009)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (602 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
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About Me
🍎Youtube: MelanieApples || Instagram: melanie.apples🍎
who knew downloading a new game would make me find a new passion.
hi, i'm Melanie and creating Sims 4 house is currently one of the few things that brings me joy.
i hope you enjoy my creations ♥
If you're having trouble with one of my lots please take a look at this:
1. sometimes checking the box 'include custom content' helps even if the lot you're trying to find is CC free
2. always place the lot in build mode. placing them from the world map can sometimes make the lot look incomplete, like missing fences, wall decor etcetera
3. i always have testingcheats true, bb.moveobjects and bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement unlocked so i would advise you to unlock them as well before placing it. check under 'creator notes' if this lot in particular needs any other codes. to open the cheats console press ctrl shift C for windows or command shift C for mac.
4. sometimes i use a mod called T.O.O.L to place objects. so if you're redecorating and for example there's something that was originally placed horizontally but once you clicked it went vertically and won't go back no matter what you do that's probably the reason why. you don't need this mod to use the lot, but be aware if you're gonna modify it. anyway undo and esc are always your friends
hope it helps but if it doesn't please message me. happy simming ♥
Terms of Use
1. please don't reupload any of my creations - or any part of it, like a single room - anywhere, modified or not. you're only allowed to modify - like creating extra rooms or changing the color palette - if it's for your own use.
2. if you use screenshots please link back to the lot on TSR, or if you're unable to do it for some reason at least put something like ' NAME OF THE LOT by melapples on TSR' in the description.
My Guestbook Show All
dejabluNov 10, 2024
I love your builds and have full worlds just with your builds. They are so cozy, so classy and magnificent. I always name one after my grandma Louise in every world lol just wanted to confess that. They are so cozy, remind me of her warmth.
Kellinna75Sep 27, 2024
Love your designs. Where do you get your inspo from? Awesome work :-) well done on becoming FA Congrats
Moniamay72Sep 03, 2024
I congratulate you with all my heart on becoming FA Melanie♥♥ well deserved 🥰🫶💝