melindacreations (6559580)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (44 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
About Me
Hi Fellow Simmers! My Name is Melinda, Aka A Little Sim Shop
I will be mostly recoloring the lovely creations by others here as the tools I've seen to make original mesh is to confusing and icon way small for me to see.
Add Photo to google Working on and Coming Soon.... Please drop by and check them out.
Working On:
Coming in the next week Stuff
Past Work:
I owner a site once called "A Little Sim Shop" I created, recolored and offered my creations on, it would be home for over 3 1/2 years before a theft on Thanksgiving, that would cause the lost of my computer and all my stuff to make things with.....
A Little Sim Shop is now a store in my sim world where I offer my creations. I remove random from all creations so my sims are forced to purchase from my in game store..
I'm a die hard Sims 3 Fan and up to a few months ago started playing 4. I started creating for 4 and will offer my creations here.
Well off to create some more goodies...
Thanks TSR for hosting my creations here.
Have a good one everyone!
My Latest Updates Show All
Favorite In-Game Pics.Written Feb 17, 2020
Favorite In Game PicTures ...More
The Shops ReopensWritten Jan 23, 2020
Hi Fellow Simmers, I have recently returned to creating for The Sims. I once ran a site called A Little Sim Shop. It was up for almost 4 years when my computer was stolen with all I had, so I had to close the site. I have reopen the shop in a differnent way, instead of a web site that offers my creations it's the shop in my games that sells my creations to my sims. So the... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
NorkrisFeb 18, 2025
drteekayceeJul 05, 2021
Hi there! Not sure what you mean, please feel free to DM me and I'll look into it. Thanks!
DanSimsFantasyJul 27, 2020
Greetings! Enjoy them!