Created for: The Sims 3
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I was looking through my files and stumbled across some screenshots of a sim I had made. Luckly, I saved my Saved Sims Files. I re-installed my sims games and tweaked him a little and this my end result. I hope you like him because I do. I got lazy and didn't wanna take any in game screenshots because my game is really slow, which is part of the reason I uninstalled it the first time.
you MUST HAVE a custom skin for him to look like right the game.
To make him look exactly like mine use Subaxi Skintone:
Eyebrows: subaxi; not too sure which ones
lips: lemon leafs [dry lips] Get link of list of downloads of his blog from another one my sims
eyes: Tifa []
hair:from game[Ambitious]
shirt: lemon leafs
Short URL:
ItemID: 1023650
Filesize: 2 MB
Do not re-upload
Credits: subaxi, lemon, tifa
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