mikstig1525 (540108)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (12 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

3 Nudisth Ct.
Published Nov 5, 2007
About Me
I am 51 and I had originally seen this game played by my son. He wanted me to see something funny about the game. He made his Sim cook and he set the kitchen on fire. That was when the first Sim was out. After watching him, I too got hooked and ended up buying all of the EPs for the first one. When the new Sims came out, you could say that I was probably one of the first in line. I love putting these Sims through the mill. My daughter is also now hooked but she only has the first Sims 2, I have all three and waiting for the next one.
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SIMcredible!Mar 20, 2014
Hi Thank you for taking time and commenting on our creations ^^ we very much appreciate it have a happy simming full of fun! ^◡^