mistresscris (287630)
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Mc Spa Inspirations I & Ii...
Published Jun 20, 2008
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About Me
I am a 32 year old mom. I currently work for TUSD's Regional Science Center, which leaves me very little time for myself. When I'm not tending to my family, or working on RSC stuff, I'm caring for my 3 dogs, reading a trashy novel, writing a trashy novel, or playing around with the idea of turning my hobby of creating scented lotions & perfumes into a home business.
My Latest Updates Show All
The Latest...Written May 25, 2009
I'm currently working full time for Tucson Unified School District in their science department. We provide quality Science education with Standard Based Curriculum. Right now, we s erve 57,000 K-8 students with curriculum and materials and r efurbishes, pick up and deliver 5,500 Science kits per rotation to 117+ K-5 & 6-8 schools. Due to budget cuts, we are... ...More
UpdateWritten Sep 14, 2008
Sorry I've been away for so long. My life has taken quite a turn since I was last here. I started homeschooling my kids again, and about a month into it, I found out that my husband was having an affair and wants a divorce. I haven't really worked in 9 years, so I've been trying to find a job and I've enrolled my kids in school. It's been a heartbreaking couple of weeks. I've pushed... ...More
School Starts SoonWritten Aug 09, 2008
School starts on Wednesday for the kids, which means that I will have very little time to play around on the computer. Most of you know that my kids attend a virtual academy, and since they're only 8 & 11, they're not at the stage of being able to work independently. We've also opted to go with a different school than we'd been attending for the past two years, so it's going to take us a... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
lonleyma1000Jan 26, 2009
i love all your stuff i hope everything goes great for you in life
mightyfaithgirlOct 12, 2008
Hey Mistress ,
A year ago you "tutored" me on wall/ bedding making and I wanted to thank you. It literally took me a year to get around to it but I have suceeded WOO HOO -thanks in part to you! Also I wanted you to know that I am praying for your situation- for what its worth! The good news is that circumstances are always subject to change!And God always gives us the grace to bear what we could never in our own strength. Take care and keep on keeping on!
Much love and peace to you,
twofeeSep 25, 2008
im sorry to hear about the terrible woes of your life currently. i wish you best of luck in getting everything under control. it wont be easy and i cant pretend that i know what you are going through, but know that there are people in the world who are here for you. im rooting for you cris!
love stefi