mlpokm (1843640)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (44 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Airy Blue Eyes
Published Jun 20, 2009
About Me
Hi everyone! I have started to create for the Sims 2 a little while ago so I have not made much. Your comments are great! Thank you SOOO much! I have been busy recently so I am not creating much, but with the summer you should expect some great MLPOKM couture! I am trying out some males clothes, so they might not be as detailed yet, but it will probably improve. Thanks for visiting my page. Enjoy
My Guestbook Show All
crystal_89Oct 31, 2008
Hello Mlpokm, Well this is my new story but I don't know where its leading but thats always good because you get ideas... anyway the next chapter should be out soon, though it might not be very exciting because it's kind of one of those stories that fill in the blanks to prepare you for what is to come, so I hope you enjoy it too! Iv'e also changed the stories name to "The Power Of Fire" Thanks Alot Crystal
stephanie1225Aug 21, 2008
Thanks so much for the comment on my story(Leigh Part1:intro)
Lets see I got the nightgown from and its under victorian female teen pajamas
and the hair im pretty sure is from x m sims but i have know idea what page sorry
thanks again
IllianaAug 18, 2008
Hi Mlpokm! Thank you SO much for the congratulations you left in my guestbook! I am really excited, and just hope my next lots don't make people say, "She's a WHAT?! Why?" LOL! Have a fabulous day! - Illiana