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mothme's Guestbook

sasha1959Jan 15, 2011

thanks for the comment on my screenshot "sisterly bonding"!  \:wub\: the older girls are twins so i guess thats why they look like the same preson. i think the girls all look like their mother so its no surprise that their baby sister look like a younger version of them. \:D

simsjeanieDec 21, 2010

Dear Mothme, just dropping in to say I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Have a great time and may all your wishes come true! Perhaps you even find this Seasons' Greetings at the right time, Santa can do magic ... \;\)  Lots of hugs from Jeanie, leaving some x-mas cookies at your doorsteps ... for you and for Santa ... \:wub\:

mensureJul 2, 2010

Hi,\:\) thanks so much for your nice comment. Have fun!\:wub\:

PralinesimsMay 31, 2010

Hello\:D thank you sooo much for commenting my bathroom!! im really happy you like it!!! i wish you  a wonderful day and a super week!!!  Happy simming \:wub\:

GlebiaMay 25, 2010

Wiesz, ku memu ogromnemu zdumieniu raz czy dwa udalo mi się ujrzec dosc posepne wschody i zachody slonca - chociaz to moze byc wina posepnego, zaniedbanego dworku nad morzem, nad ktorym się ukazaly. Inna sprawa, że światło w TS3 jest zrobione na naprawde dobrym poziomie. A noir daloby sie uzyskac nawet na fotografi z dyskoteki w Pcimie Gornym, gdyby tylko tam wcisnac w odpowiednim miejscu i czasie ponurewgo faceta w kapeluszu, prochowcu i z papierochem w kaciku ust <3

missyzimMay 23, 2010

Hi Mothme! \:\) Thank you so much for your nice comments on my lots! I really appreciate the feedback! If you like the museum, you might also like my Theatre Royale which comes out tomorrow. \:D Let me know if you have any problems with the lots. Take care, Missy

GosikMay 22, 2010

Cześć \:\) Bardzo Ci dziękuje za wspaniay komentarz pod Orinoko Dining! Pozdrawiam, Gosik \:\)

simsjeanieApr 3, 2010

Dear Mothme, have a wonderful Easter time and may your Easter bunny hide a lot of delicious Easter eggs for you! I leave one at your doorsteps, too ... \:wub\:

caridinaMar 21, 2010

Hi! Thank you for your very sweet comment on my pic of Cynthia charming a snake in Egypth \:D

fredbrennyMar 20, 2010

Thanks for your wonderful compliment on "Fred goes crazy" \:wub\:

kateknightukMar 19, 2010

Me again, I really should read all my comments before posting on people GBs lol.  Thanks for commenting on Fynn too, I'm glad you liked it.  Kate xx

kateknightukMar 19, 2010

Hello - just popping over to say thanks for commenting on my screen shot of Kelly and her lost contact lens xx

simsjeanieMar 19, 2010

The "p-finger"? \:D Dear Mothme - sorry - that's a joke. I call it the "p-finger" the "[B]P[/B]ress pause finger". I'm such a slow woman, you know. If I want to take a pic I have the game running at the slowest speed - and 99 of 100 times I'm too slow to get just the moment I want to save as a pic! Caridina once mentioned that she's very quick with her "p-finger" and I had to laugh and since then I use this word. Have in mind that I'm a german girl, Caridina is a swedish girl and a lot of TSR members are no native speakers. But we try and have a lot of fun - I'm sure English or American people will think - "Oh my gosh! What does she want to tell me?" So you know what I meant with this p-finger. But as I don't know better it's always possible that's a word that you must not use in English??? Have a wonderful weekend - and many happy hours with your sims! \:wub\:

DragonQueenOct 21, 2009

I agree! \:D  I'd love to see seasonal little "easter eggs" in the game.  St. Nick flying in his sleigh at Christmas, maybe?  A skull in the moon for Halloween, perhaps?  Ah, well...guess we'll just have to dream on for a little while.  \:\)

ShinoKCROct 21, 2009

Hi! Thank you for your wonderful comment on the Bathroom \:\) Its very appreaciated \:wub\: Huggles Renate

LeomoOct 19, 2009

Hi! Thank you so much for your comment on my lots. I really hope you'll enjoy the lot in the game! \:wub\:

AngelaOct 19, 2009

Hi, Thank you very much for your comment on my creations \:wub\: I am so happy you like it! I hope you will enjoy your day ~Angela~

Vanilla SimOct 16, 2009

Hi there \:\) just wanted to come by and thank you for the very nice comment on my Wild Animal prints. I hope you and your simmies are enjoying them. Happy Simming! ~Robin

cemreOct 10, 2009

Hiya  \:\) Please forgive me for my late response on your guestbook, I wanted to say thank you soooo much for your lovely comment on my vingrona bathroom set, (yup I put a small colgate to there \:P ) /Hugs Cemre

Queenie1988Oct 8, 2009

Hey there \:\) Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I'm glad you like my screenshot \:rah\:

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