ms_teree (466014)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (210 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Artwork by Philau Hsu
Published Aug 9, 2006
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tntxgyrlNov 13, 2006
Always a pleasure to inspire the already inspired. and a reply is never to late. Keep up the good work.
tntxgyrlOct 14, 2006
I visited your site and found many wonderful wall anf floor colorings that I would love to use in my decorations of my sims homes. You put a great deal of hard work into your items and I ould just like to let you know that it is greatly appreciated. I am not as talented but I do have an eye for nice things. Thank you for all of you time and effort in creating these items.
LezibethMay 19, 2005
Thank you MsTeree!! My friend made that for me a while ago... I think it is my favorite. Thanks again for your awesome submissions, I will be looking for more Lezibeth