munchkin_brat (1071092)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (922 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations
About Me
Hello, my name is Rachel. Let me start by saying I am not a FA. Although, I would love to be. I have been creating for Sims 2 since May 2006 and enjoy learning how to improve on my creations. I am a grandmother of 2, a grandson and a granddaughter. I am working on an RN degree so most of my time is spent studying. My free time is spent recoloring and making new items. I usually recolor Maxis objects and have been trying to mesh. I also like to keep my brain busy by playing puzzle type games on the computer or PS2. I would like to thank all the wonderful creators here at TSR, because without them the game would be rather boring. Please feel free to leave me a note or suggestion.
My Latest Updates Show All
Time Flies!Written Dec 21, 2007
Wow how time has flew by! It's been a long time since I have visited. I am finally getting RL issues under control and look forward to creating again soon. I need to brush up on my skills first and find all the programs again and get all the new, I'm gonna be busy....better get started. Hope to see you all again soon. ...More
Almost Done!Written Mar 26, 2007
Well I am almost finished with the semester. I will graduate in May and hope to be creating soon after. I want to thank everyone for all the wonderful comments left on my creations. I, unfortunately, don't have time to thank each and everyone of you like you deserve. I hope to be back soon. Rachel ...More
Thank YouWritten Feb 26, 2007
I have been away for awhile with real life stuff and stopped by today to see what was new and found that I had 152 new comments! Wow! There is no way I can thank each and every one who left me a comment so I thought I would give one big THANKS to all who took the time to leave me a note. I am thrilled to know that my creations have generated some interest. Rachel ...More
My Guestbook Show All
charrayApr 16, 2009
Just wanted to say you did a wonderful job on all your creations Thanks so much for the work and for sharing them
mury61Feb 23, 2008
Thanks Great tutorials
IDt8rOct 23, 2007
I'd been wrestling with recoloring for 2 long, frustrating days. Then I followed your tutorial and in 15 minutes, I had my first recolor! 5 minutes later, I had my second one. This morning, I made a painting using my son's school photo. Thank you, thank you, thank you for creating a tutorial that is so easy to follow. The photoshop bit was especially helpful. Now I'm on to your mesh tutorial. Thank you some more!