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ShoLeigh84Sep 9, 2007

Was there any doubt as to which character drew my eye? It's the one I think is most like you of course! :P Thank you your swoon-worthiness for my fix! B..but... the new year? *deep breaths, don't panic!!!* Have mercy Tony! I might not last that long! \:eek\: Hey, I just saw Tabby's entry in here. The gloves are on!!! \:D

qvisnSep 8, 2007

I just read the beach,you covered all relationships which is rare and nice, Great story, ending had me in tears.\:o

HellfrozeoverSep 8, 2007

Weeell I have to say I think you're better\;\) ! I'm stubborn like that. Thank you so much for the compliment though\:\) ! HFOxx

drewsolteszSep 7, 2007

Hi! Back from Vacation and trying to catch up on your wonderful tale, one of the best this summer for sure! Glad to see another chapter is out...I also have a new story out, 'The Van Helsing Chronicles' would be honoured if you read and commented on it! Cheers!!~~Karen\:wub\:

GFitzSep 7, 2007

Hey you! Hope you are okay...If you just have a writer's block...I know what that's about! Finally finished chapter 5 of Dark December. I was stuck at about 5 paragraphs for a month more or less. Finally had a break through! I hope you can check it out!

lexiann123Sep 1, 2007

HEY Tony! I was just REALLY wnating to know when the next part of your story is coming out (IT BETTER BE SOON!LOL!)?

HellfrozeoverSep 1, 2007

I was waiting for someone to notice that he said I love you\:\) ! The next part shouldn't take long just as long as my graphics don't die again and I can cope with my screen switching off randomly. Looking forward to the next part of more abusing Swindle's face mind you\:mad\: \;\) ! HFOxx

AnniKaynaSep 1, 2007

Hello Tony! Im very busy either in these days - which is good, because Im really looking forward the next part of MediEvil, so time should pass rather quicky! \:D Dont bother if it will be long - it will bring just more pleasure reading it!!! \;\) good luck with the writing - and anything else. :P take care AL

WigwogAug 30, 2007

Yay!!! I sure Hope so!

TabbyDragonAug 30, 2007

Tony, I think Sho's fallen for you...literally. I mean, didn't she pass out when you said hello to her? \:P Sho, just remember, you'll have to fight Anita (Atwa) for him. Better get your boxing gloves on! \;\)

Sara1993Aug 29, 2007

Hi! Thanks for signing my guestbook\:D Hugs&Kisses\:wub\:, Sara

KatCatAug 28, 2007

\:rah\: \:wub\: OH MY FREAKING GOODNESS!! Your MediEvil story is the BEST I have ever read. You have an exceptional storytelling talent. I think you have the makings of a fine fantasy movie here! ~ KatCAT

WigwogAug 28, 2007

Haven't heard from you recently. You okay? If you were on Holiday, I understand, but really you okay haven't heard from you, though.

HellfrozeoverAug 27, 2007

I'd probably remind her that no one outbitches myself\;\) !I'm looking forward to the next part but I can't really comment on waiting times...after the length I've taken(it's almost finished) lol! HFOxx

ShoLeigh84Aug 27, 2007

You'll get to me on whether you'll write more stories or about the big hunk of man-beef? \;\) Please please please oh great and wonderful, intelligent and witty, kind and I've no doubt devilishly handsome Tony, please write the next chapter!!! There, I groveled and anyone can see it! That's gotta count for something? It's a pleasure commenting on your piccies,\:D where can I get that hairy chest? Sho xxx

TabbyDragonAug 27, 2007

You're like Portia? How sad...(only kidding \;\)) I don't think you're like her at all. She doesn't sound like she's joking, and we know you're only joking. Unless you really aren't joking. No wonder our comments got deleted in the "What Country Are You From?" thread! Anywho, I must know where you get all your hairstyles from. I know some of them (such as Swindle's and Harquay's) are from TSR, but I bet a lot of them are from other websites, which is a shame because I'm not allowed to download from any other site besides TSR. \:\( Oh well. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next part of your story! I'd ask you to blow me away with the next part, but then I wouldn't be able to comment because I'd have a concussion from hitting my dad's desk behind me and would have to be promptly whisked away to the hospital. \:wacko\:

WigwogAug 25, 2007

So how's your stories, I hadn't seen your stories recently.. I hope everythings fine! I hope they haven't got messed up like MINE did *rolls eyes*! So, I hope nothing bad happened to the stories, 'cause they're really good! ^-^

ZayuryAug 25, 2007

Thank-you very much for your sweet comment on my first story "Zayury's Cinderella pt1"! I was afraid I would get booed off TSR, lol! \:D

WigwogAug 23, 2007

Yeah, sadly it's all ruined, 3rd one missing. 4th one, all silly.. Any way, I'm planning a new one.. Yeah, I hope your stories don't end up like MINE!

eshuffAug 23, 2007

Tried to "fix" my profile to make it clear that you are not the same Tony. \:D

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