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oldmember_SexyMan's Guestbook

Mistress UselessFeb 8, 2007

Love the wedding dress!

JewelRollsMar 13, 2006

WOW--thanks for the great compliment. I feel very honored. \:wub\: Thanks so much for downloading my creations and writing to me. \:rah\:

oldmember_SexyManJun 27, 2005

hpl575, I am not encouraging people to wear fur in their real lives. I am an animal lover too. In my real life, I treat my pets as my children and none of my belongings is made of fur . My 'fur' was just made from a photo. It is not actually fur. This is what I mean in the description of the 'fur'. Hope u don't take it so serious. Take care!

hpl575May 30, 2005

SexyMan, I am very upset with your "furry" dresses. When making fur, they make it seem like they just skin the animals, and not hurt them. I don't know if you knew this or not but those animals actually DO get hurt. I should know. I research this stuff. I'm an animal rights activist. So yeah, animals DO get 'hurt' in the making of fur.

oldmember_laurenwordsworthMar 12, 2005

I have downloaded quite a few of your items and I am more than impressed with the design, I would recommend you for anyone who wants extras for sims 2 \:D Thanks

svetica7Feb 20, 2005

Thank you so much! I try to make clothes that I would wear in RL. Btw, your elegant blue pattern jacket with white pants is great!!! I've bought one just like it in RL few weeks ago, only the colour is light pink. I wanted to make one for TSR but you have made it first \:D Please make a set with all spring colours... Ladies at this site will go mad without it \:P Love from your fan Svetica7 \:wub\:

scal5Jan 11, 2005

Hi SexyMan! Thank you so much for the compliment... and I have to say I am a fan of yours... love your male hair especially... and a number of my Sims are running around with your clothes on! Thank you again... I am so addicted... giggle!!! ;o)

The TDec 28, 2004

Thanks for signing my guest book............................ I am still alright, but really sad about that tsunami.................................................................I study at Thammasat University, Rungsit Campus, near Bangkok , this is one of the place where they brought the tourists to stay after flew them to Bangkok...................................I have seen a lot of them cried because of losing their relatives, that make my heart broken...................................................And you might already know that the only grand son of king of thailand has died, too...and we all here is really sad now...............................................................I design to wear black to say that I am sad.....................................................And I won't celebrate for new year...I should not celebrate when a lot of people still sad..................................Ps. my family ( Dad's related ) live in Samui island in Thai gulf, so they have no risk for tsunami.

jannaDec 28, 2004

Hey are you still making custom content? I havent seen you around the forums in ages...Where you been? You should get into object making its loads of fun!! \:\)

BlindHatredDec 13, 2004

Thanks for the comment. \:D I like your hair.

NeptuneSuzyDec 7, 2004

Thanks so much for the compliment! And I love your bowl cut hair for men!!!!! Thanks again -Suzy

Uma DesignNov 19, 2004

The purple and orange suits are the coolest!!!\:D

ChIkA_LaTiNaOct 10, 2004

Hey Sexy man - need a sexy woman? \;\)

meyerjdSep 19, 2004

Awww ur stuff is so nice (SIMS 2) and I wanna ask somethin. Im from South Africa and Im playin sims from the day it came out. But! I have this dreaaaaaaam to make skins....I dont know how.. I have Photoshop but dont know how to get the skins into Photoshop and back in game again..Dont know how to change it in Photoshop too tho but that Ill learn by practise. hehehe ye Ill try.. But pleaseeeee if u can help me with that technical thingi to get it in and out there please???? Noone wonts to really bother emailing me back but ill try tho....Thanks Daleen at [COLOR=Navy]meyerjp@telkomsa.net[/COLOR]

meyerjdSep 19, 2004

Awww ur stuff is so nice (SIMS 2) and I wanna ask somethin. Im from South Africa and Im playin sims from the day it came out. But! I have this dreaaaaaaam to make skins....I dont know how.. I have Photoshop but dont know how to get the skins into Photoshop and back in game again..Dont know how to change it in Photoshop too tho but that Ill learn by practise. hehehe ye Ill try.. But pleaseeeee if u can help me with that technical thingi to get it in and out there please???? Noone wonts to really bother emailing me back but ill try tho....Thanks Daleen at [COLOR=Navy]meyerjp@telkomsa.net[/COLOR]

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