oldmember_friendsofwatto (490282)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (5 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

WATTO Orange
Published Sep 10, 2004
About Me
"There is no such thing as a coincidence" - Tegan Snedon 2002
I was unofficially the first Aussie to participate in The Sims Online play test.
I am the creator of the software program called Game Extractor which is the first (and only) program to allow the extraction of files from The Sims Online, such as the player skins and objects. Game Extractor now includes support for many other games including The Sims and Simcity 4. Check it out at http://www.watto.org/extract
Apart from that, I'm just a regular person trying to enjoy life.
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WickedMayesJuggaletteMay 17, 2005
The monobrow you made is really awesome. Its the only realistic looking one!