optimal10 (559770)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (115 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Antique Oriental Rugs
Published Oct 2, 2008
About Me
I'm mostly a clay artist--my avatar is a sun face I made. But since I live in Tucson, Arizona, sometimes it is just too durn hot to work on clay! So then I play on the computer, either playing the Sims 2 or, more recently, recoloring other artist's meshes and combining them into rooms.
My Guestbook Show All
murfeelAug 15, 2011
Thanks for liking my Medieval Doors! (Sorry in advance if they're too shiny! )
paramitiJul 16, 2010
Thank You Very Much for commenting on my Hilda Paintings..i So Appreciate It!!
MoMamaDec 07, 2008
Thanks for your comment on my NK Shiny Dishwashers. I appreciate it!