paperBrain (4448384)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (5 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Published Aug 14, 2014
About Me
( ` ▽ ` )ノ Moshi Moshi! Welcome! I make my own makeup and sometimes clothing. I am a creator on imvu and I love anime and manga. Drawing is one of my talents and I really enjoy it! I often post on my dA but rarely~ (=w=) I don't have much to say but thank you for visiting! Dōmo arigatōgozaimashita! Sayōnara~! ( ' ▽ ' )/
I get most of the stuff and finds from here~! (=>w
My Guestbook Show All
rosekautzAug 12, 2020
Can you make hairstyles for sims 4 please??
domitilleFeb 15, 2019
Hello PaperBrain2, cause I am still fond of The Sims2 I download your creations. As everybody I received the message that an expansion was missing. After searching I founded the way to manage it. So to install your creation we have to use the Sim2Pack Clean Installer. You can find this software on ModtheSims
It is really easy to install or to use.
Well done for your work !
hannaht_95Feb 26, 2016
absolutely love your sims from what i can see!! what expansion packs do i need to get to use Hana though ?