phatboi2017 (1664590)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Jul 9, 2009
About Me
Heller, my name is Sedrick, but people call me Sed. I'm 17yrs old and I'm a Senior at Meridian High in the middle of nowhere in Illinois. I was currently born in Michigan. I'm a funny, out going guy that likes to draw, write, read, and play The sims. I work at Subway and it sucks. Um... I like getting a cover and cuddlin' up on the couch with a big bowl of Fruit Loops and watching College Hill, and any other reality show my cable box has to offer lol. I've been a huge fan of The Sims ever since the first one. I never could get enouph money to get all the expansion packs but I managed. I remember when I seen the first commercial for The Sims 2, I was so stoked, and finally were here at The Sims 3. I stood there at Gamestop 10 minutes before it opened on the first day The Sims 3 came out and felt so accomplished when they handed me my copy. I never really created anything for The Sims or The Sims 2, but this time around I'm going to get my Creative brain tinkering. I'll be creating celeberties, but without Photoshop it is very difficult, however Im goin' to manage. My fingers are tired now so, uh... peace.
My Guestbook Show All
phatboi2017Jul 09, 2009
hey ppl, thanx 4 stopin by and showin some love... I'll make sure I'll do the same!!!
crybabysimssJul 07, 2009
Anytime! Keep up the good work
lianiJun 28, 2009
Hi there!! Thanks for ur comments on My sims Francheska Montgomery.. That Sims WAS Nicole Richie that was my intention but my hubby said i didn't look loke her at all, so i changed the name.. That proof that my hubby was wrong