porcha27 (1881146)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (144 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Redwell Water Park
Published Jul 13, 2008
About Me
Wow! Been quite a while since I came on here! Still playing Sims 2, tried 3 but I'm more comfortable with the old fashioned way The children are starting to grow up, the house is getting messier and my marbles are slowly slipping away! I may in the future get back into making some more cc's, looking back on some of my stuff I see I will need to revisit some and update them. We shall see......watch this space xx
My Guestbook Show All
qvisnApr 07, 2009
HI... congrats on the new baby Jessica, we have galleries now so you can post a pic or 2. Im good and happy to hear from you. did you know that cinderellimouse had a little girrl too, shes called Georgia. and shona is having a baby too. there must be something in sim water these days. lol
andi and grimDec 24, 2008
Hi, just here to say merry Christmas and happy new year!
charrayNov 19, 2008
Just wanted to say Great job on your creations Thanks for sharing them