pussycatlarue13 (822948)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (83 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Zebra Bloomers
Published Dec 1, 2005
About Me
I'm Sadie Bella, I like tall skinny pale guys and punk rock music.
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Simjunkie99Feb 26, 2006
Where did you get the mesh for your highlighted shag? It looks so great, but doesn't show up in the game, because I don't have the mesh.
MacrossGirlNov 13, 2005
I am so freaking excited you not only know WHO Nick Cave is, but you also made a shirt my sims can wear!! Rawk on sista!!
MacrossGirlNov 13, 2005
I am so freaking excited you not only know WHO Nick Cave is, but you also made a shirt my sims can wear!! Rawk on sista!!