queenmab75 (485977)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1100 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Wedding Chapel
Published Dec 21, 2005
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
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About Me
I live in a small suburb outside of Pittsburgh and I teach autistic children. I love love LOVE the Sims! My husband first introduced me to it, and I thought it was stupid...until I played it myself, and became hooked!
I am now a member of TSRAA, which means you can use my stuff in houses you upload to TSR. You don't HAVE to credit me, but it would be nice!
You may also use any of my make-up, jewelry, and clothes to make Sims, as long as they're uploaded to TSR only!
My Guestbook Show All
charrayFeb 11, 2009
You are a wonderful artist I love your creations. Thanks so much for all the work and for sharing them
savi77Oct 09, 2007
Hi! You make beautiful items!!!! Thank you!
jerifApr 10, 2007
Thank you for sharing all your wonderful creations, I just love the wedding chapel