rowanlafolle (1022549)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (49 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Hacienda Tropicale
Published May 27, 2005
About Me
Just another Sims addict like the rest of you! I love the creativity of it--I love to make houses & sims. I try doing recolors and stuff, but not that great at it yet. I really want to learn to make meshes, but it's so time consuming, and time is one thing I'm short of...I have 4 kids, the youngest two of whom are 1 1/2 and 2 1/2. They keep me very busy!
My Guestbook Show All
puremassacreJun 01, 2005
I just wanted to thank you for the Johnny Depp sim. Like, really thank you. Dude, nobody has made one half as good as that. I love it so much.
AAHHHH.. I'm so happy you made it. You rule. GO YOU. Kudos.
puremassacreJun 01, 2005
I just wanted to thank you for the Johnny Depp sim. Like, really thank you. Dude, nobody has made one half as good as that. I love it so much.
AAHHHH.. I'm so happy you made it. You rule. GO YOU. Kudos.
Little_SvenApr 25, 2005
Your Angelina Jolie sim is amazing. Great job.