sbaroudi (1003481)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (139 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Alhambra Chic Wall Murals
Published May 12, 2009
About Me
My kids think I'm way too old to be playing Sims and do their best to shame me! However, playing Sims has helped me to relax, de-stress and forget about work. I think that the defining moment for me was when I realised that my sims were having more fun than me. My ambition is to be a Sims designer and I'm really impressed by some of the creations that the more experienced members of the community come up with. The only thing stopping me is work, but just you wait till I retire! I like houses but what starts out as a small property always ends up as a sprawling mansion. I guess this means I have ideas above my station.
My Guestbook Show All
topaz27May 14, 2009
Hi sbaroudi, I would like to thank you for your 'Alhambra Chic Wall Murals' set, these are so awesome do hope you have a wonderful day. Topaz
charrayMar 27, 2009
I love your creations You did an amazing job. Thanks for the work and for sharing them. Hope you'll continue to create
kimmyburke2222Mar 20, 2009
Hi there. I had downloaded some of your Morrocan tiles and loved them so much that I came over to see what else you've created. The tiles really look beautiful in the game. Thanks for you time, creativity and hard work and for sharing your stuff with us!!