scardy44 (2087413)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (19 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Crystal Lake Apartments
Published Oct 19, 2008
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simsandreahMay 29, 2009
Hi!!!!!!!!! ogm!!!!!!!!!! you need to checkout the NEW Sims3 website. It so cool!!!!!!!! when you get you usename get it to me. so we can downlond some of your stuff!!!!! I hope to see you on aim soo!!!!!!!!!
simsandreahMay 10, 2009
Hi I cant waite for the sims 3. i need to stop waching sims 3 moives on youtube. it just make me want it evey more. so how are things going at home, i haven't seen you are aim lately.
simsandreahApr 19, 2009
hey i upload a houes on the my usemane at the is simsandrea just click on my sims page and them click on the lots. do you have a my sims page. if you what is your usename. i hop to talke too you soo!!!!!!!!!!!!