shadow66 (748657)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (591 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

S66 - Cherry Blossom Paintings Set
Published May 14, 2010
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2638 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

\'Tropical Delight\' Paintings...
Published Jun 3, 2009
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About Me
I'm a happily divorced working mum with many interests, living on the sunny(?) south coast of England, and have been playing The Sims on and off ever since Sims 1 was released, and since Sims 2, it always seems to be a game I come back to (unlike most of the other games I have).
I started creating content for TS2 in March 2008, mainly with walls and floors - carpets being a particular speciality. This has now progressed to many other things including: Curtains, Rugs, Furniture/Object re-colours, and a particular favourite of mine, Paintings. I have recently started creating complete room collections, in particular bedrooms/nurseries, and hope to extend on this in the future.
Now Sims 3 is out and I have discovered how to create paintings for that, I am intending on converting most of the paintings I made for Sims 2 so they can be used in Sims 3. Maybe in the future I will look at other objects and see what else I can create.
Anyway, enough about me (before I bore everyone stupid!). I wish you all peace, health and joy, and of course, Happy Simming!
My Latest Updates Show All
Back In Business!Written Jul 13, 2010
The submission issues I was having a few days ago now seem to have been rectified, so look out for some new paintings from tomorrow! ;) Enjoy! ...More
Submission IssuesWritten Jul 11, 2010
Just a quick note to let everyone know, I am still around but just unable to submit anything at the moment due to issues with the submissions system - don't think it's anything I'm doing wrong since I know a few other people are having the same problem. Hopefully it will be sorted out soon and I can get some more of my paintings uploaded in the near future. Meanwhile, I guess I'll... ...More
Coffee, Cakes, Flowers, Fashion and More - Coming Soon!Written Jul 03, 2010
Hi all! Had a few days off from making paintings to work on some other things I've been planning - some spooky old house/tombs to go in a new world I was going to build (if EA ever fixes CAW!!). But now I'm back to the paintings and thought I'd tempt you all with a few previews of upcoming collections! Firstly, since my previous fashion sets have been quite popular, a couple... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
KarmakiMay 07, 2017
I love your pictures' style! So very pretty!
jbreland1230Jan 02, 2014
Love Your Stuff!! Keep Up The Great Work!
SloanyBearSep 12, 2013
Your Ocean Breeze 2 paintings are awesome, awesome!