shivanjani (1745287)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (20 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Home Sweet Home
Published Oct 21, 2009
About Me
hi there! M shivanjani...I've been playing the sims since 2003...i think....but its been a long time....i got URBZ sims in the city first for playstation 2 cos i used to like dressing up dolls and making clothes for them...and URBZ was where i could do it the shortcut way....heheh...but after making apartments, my interest in architecture developed and i got my The Sims 2 for PS2. but it didnt have many building options and then back in 2006, i bought my THE SIMS2 for PC...and i have been hooked since then...u know, at first, i dint now about expansion packs and picked up the holiday stuff pack at the shop and thought it was the game itself...i was going to buy it and then i saw another sims2 with a thick case.i luckily my brain had told my "the bigger the better"...phew!!if i had bought the stuff pack,i would have had to go back from fiji to newzealand and get the game...u know, i even got a free holiday stuff pack with the sims2..yaaaay!!!!
hmm....its the school holidays and my final exams are coming up in november...i was supposed to study this break, but i have benn playing and playing the sims, what i'am going to is give my love, my life, my sims2 to my mother who will lock it in her locker at the bank where i cant reach it... =(....i have to do it...or i wont be able to go to university... =(
i hope i live =(
My Guestbook Show All
IllianaDec 23, 2009
Hello Shivanjani! This holiday season I wish you joy, I wish you happiness, but most of all I wish you love! - Illiana
eviDec 19, 2009
I wish you a merry Christmas. and may you and your beloved ones have Peace and Health in the New Year!
StrawbzNov 07, 2009
Hello - thank you so much for the lovely comment on my Inka Island Resort, I'm really glad you like the sacred pool - happy simming, Strawbz