simboy161 (1572040)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (10 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

15 Quality Street
Published Dec 24, 2008
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About Me
Hey There!
I'm 16 and live in Scotland. After what seems like year, I am Simming again! On a really awesome laptop!
I'm considering re-doing some of my stories on TS3, let me know what you think - anybody!
I'm really chatty so drop me a line if you like
Happy Simming!
My Latest Updates Show All
Well...Written Feb 20, 2010
Hey People! Remember me?? It's been a long time since I last posted,well anything, and I'm sorry :( TSR kinda took the back seat as real life took over. I'm back (yay), I can't promise that I will be a massively active member of the TSR community, but I will try when I can :) I'm thinking about starting story writing again, I'l just have to see how school and RL goes Thanks for... ...More
I'm Free!Written May 28, 2009
I can't believe this day has finally come :D NO MORE EXAMS!!! I have like two days off before I'm back to school but nothing is ruining my fun :D Hopefully I shall be uploading a house or two in the coming monthsc, friends have sims! Once I get a computer (fingers crossed) I shall get the sims 3! Can't wait :P That's all for now :) ...More
UpdateWritten Apr 17, 2009
Hey again, Thankfully, things are pretty quiet just now, but it all starts next week! I will be away from Thursday to Saturday on a Silver Duke of Edinburgh practice expedition(sounds important) which I am absolutely crapping myself about! Then at the start of May, my Standard Grade exams start, whcih is kinda important! This means I will be around even less, but I will try to pop back... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
danirioDec 15, 2009
I've collected the fruit from a neighbor, then I planted them. I started with 2 plants only
joker52455Jul 12, 2009
Hey Paul! I've been soooooo bored. It seems like I live in Kansas (Nowheresville, USA lol) than in New York cuz everyone's so interested in NY, thinking it's so awesome. Eh, not when you've lived here all your life ....zzzzzz..... I'M AWAKE!!! Sorry, I dozed off thinking about how boring this place is. I havent had school for some time since graduation and everything, now I'm getting ready for college. Strange; all my friends and I planned on going away to college, but we all ended up staying lol. I'm going to St. John's, which is this apparently very prestigious Jesuit college that has campuses in five different places. Four in NY and one in Rome (which we are REQUIRED to spend at least one semester). I can't complain, though; it's a nice college and I can always transfer to other campuses. I just hope I'm ready Where's Tenerife in reference to where you live? Were you forced to go on the trip? Are you going to be pacing up and down the beach with someone? lol I'm so nosy when it comes to stuff like that; it doesn't help to have friend that are extremely "active". I know this is kinda personal, but I'm a person who doesn't know what you look like on the other side of the world, so are you "active", cuz I'll tell you that I'm not. I just think that there's more to life than that. Sorry to rope you into a moral conversation; feel free not to answer the question. Anyway, not much else going on. Hope you write back, Astonn
HellfrozeoverJul 11, 2009
Hiya! Sorry, I'm terrible for replying! Started a full-time job so I've got hardly any time to go online or anything now. Hope life is good. You must be looking forward to the exam results arriving and getting that over and done with Alyx x