smileface101 (3986749)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (22 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Published Oct 11, 2013
About Me
Hi there my name is Natasha but I prefer to be called Tash, Tashi (or Tashy with a 'y') or TashiJean. I'm currently 16
Music is my life and the lyrics are my story
I also write stories here but I'm limited in what I can add to the stories. I have a Wattpad account and I've had it for a while now please head over and search for TashiJean
I really hope you enjoy my creations and if you haven't noticed already I like to use a lot in my posts, comments, guestbook entries ect.
I love music a lot and if you like blink-182 then your an amazing beautiful person that deserves hugs
Here's a link to my wattpad account I really hope it works:
My Latest Updates Show All
New StoryWritten Nov 23, 2013
Helloo!!! :) To everyone who has read Secret Guardian I'm letting you all know that I just uploaded a sequel to it called Guardian Angel :D (YAY!!!) but it doesn't exactly include JOsh or Ella at the moment but I promise you that it will be awesome! ...More
10 000 Downloads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Written Aug 07, 2013
Woooo! I've finally reached 10 000 downloads :D I want to thank everyone who has supported me throughout the last few months you guys are awesome and I love you all too bits. I want to thank eveyrone who has downloaded my creations because without you I wouldn't have reached my first goal. I'm still striving higher and hopefully I can get more downloads :rah: ...More
First Story (Deep Down I'm An Outcast)Written Apr 18, 2013
Okay I've nearly finsihed writing my first sims 3 story on here :) With any luck chapter 4 should be up soon and I know I haven't given my thanks to all the creators of all the CC I use in this story, don't worry guys I'll be giving a huge thanks to you guys on the last chapter. If you see your creations plz comment and tell me if you like the way I have created the outfits. There is such... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
olja.98Aug 13, 2014
Hey! Thanks for the comment on my picture..It was a long time ago but ive seen it today haha .,,n those shorts are from QuizicalGin if u wondered haha ..Have a great day
mariacoraJun 17, 2014
Tash !! I really miss you. I was busy by the school and now youupi the holidays , I wonder if you remember me hahaha :*
ekattieMay 17, 2014
i just saw your comment on my guestbook from, like, september last year ahaha i just wanted to say thank you and you're so sweet c: