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snowangel993's Guestbook

isla87Feb 4, 2011

Hi! I'm so glad you like my sims! I really do appreciate it! I should be uploading another few in a couple of days, and I'm constantly making more! I'm so lazy. I never make my own hairs haha! They're all made by other people! (who do an amazing job!) I get most of them from, and some are are from, then I've got a whole load of random ones I've come across! I always post a link to any content that isn't from TSR on my sims though, so if they're not by Anubis or Peggy it will say where they've come from! (it's so hard to keep track of everything!)Thanks again for your lovely feedback! Take care! ~ Isla \:wub\:

BBKZJan 19, 2011

Hey \:\) Thank you for commenting my new screenshot. I'm very glad you like my new upcoming ball gown. Have a nice day! Barb

Gucio1992Dec 29, 2010

Hi! Thanks for comment my Laboratory screen \:\) I don't like custom contents but when I saw this alien baby at I thought I have to have it \:\)

simsjeanieDec 21, 2010

Dear Heather, just dropping in to say I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Have a great time and may all your wishes come true! Hugs from Jeanie, leaving some x-mas cookies at your doorsteps ... for you and for Santa ... \:wub\:

PenelopeTOct 27, 2010

Hey Heather, thanks for commenting on my 'Sound of music' screenshot. Yes, the fishtank comes with 'Late Night'. There is just so many cool new decor items and clothing. This EP is fantastic so far. \:\)

RatRaceRobOct 26, 2010

Hello there again, Snowangel!  I'm here with more thanks, this time for your awesome comment on Flipside (3)-- wonderful to hear from you again, and to be honored by your cheer \:\)... and now, here is a personalized one for you, for all your fabulous compliments:  Huzzah for Snowangel!!! \:rah\:

RatRaceRobOct 3, 2010

Greetings Snowangel! You have been very busy I see-- and very generous with the excellent comments on, wow, everything I've posted lol :P... Way cool of you to do me that kindness, thank you so much, and I'm happy you enjoyed the Cribts and are now enjoying the Flipsides! \:D

staceface2009pJun 30, 2010

Hey thanks for the comment u left on my screenshot, it was very nice \:D I always try to make my sims look as pretty as i can.

maxi kingJun 3, 2010

\:wub\:Hi!Thank you for your great comment on my pic!Have a nice day!\:wub\:

frau MullerJun 1, 2010

I'm so glad with  your  lovely comment! Thanks \:\)

darthvexanMay 27, 2010

Your welcome! Thanks for that wonderful note, may you have a pleasant week \:rah\:

kamilka257May 23, 2010

thank you very much for reading my 1st chapter :-) I'm still doing more, I'd be pleased if you read the next ones as well :-) best wishes!

Golden97May 23, 2010

Hello, ThankYou For Reading and Commenting On My Story 'The Mallen Legacy' \:\) ,  I see what you mean about that it's a bit robotic, i will try my best to make it flow, Also i didn't think of saying how they are feeling i will definitely do that in Part Two! Thanks For The Advice \:D . - Katie x

simsjeanieApr 3, 2010

Dear snowangel, have a wonderful Easter time and may your Easter bunny hide a lot of delicious Easter eggs for you! I leave one at your doorsteps, too ...  \:wub\:

GlamuritaMar 11, 2010

Hi and thanks for the comment

IreneGouretMar 11, 2010

Hi again\:\) But I thought that sim had 14 days to cure the curse... (I saw it on some another's screenshots)

IreneGouretMar 8, 2010

Hi!\:\) You are lucky - I always try to get curse, but my sim always beat mummy. He never got curse, but I want it so much, I want to see what will be happened. But my sim has 10 level of fitness skill and he is the "King of Sim-Fu" (he won 75 sim-fu contests) - I think, this is the cause of total invincibility.

steadyaccessMar 4, 2010

Hia! Thank you so much for your sweet comment! I really appreciate it.

FreyanSamFeb 23, 2010

Hi and thanks for the comment on my China sky \:\) So glad you enjoyed it! Have a lovely day.

MinimissFeb 22, 2010

Thanks for commenting on my screens! actually the two brothers got burned while searching the catacombs, but I made them go fishing afterwords.. But I thought it was kinda funny like this so I made this description! lol.

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