starchild91 (1129804)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (26 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Hoftman's Asylum
Published Nov 2, 2006
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About Me
I've been playing Sims since it first came out years ago. For the Sims 2 I currently have University, Nightlife, and Open for Business.
I also love to make custom content for TS2. I specialize in making buildings mostly. I have entire neighborhoods filled with strange houses and people...o__0 But besides that I do have some clothes and head parts.
But anyway, I live in Texas and besides the Sims I enjoy dancing, books and computers. I'm a music nerd along with a computer nerd and a book nerd, so I'm fairly nerdy all around. I've got a whole bunch of little brothers and sisters and 50 pounds worth of homework to do every night.
Uhh...besides that...go TSR!
My Guestbook Show All
charrayMar 16, 2010
Great job on your creations, Thanks for sharing them
IvahecNov 14, 2007
Hi, thank you for your lots
god day
ChIkA_LaTiNaOct 21, 2005
Hey girl! I love your screenname, very cool