stargirl22086 (1652245)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (6 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (8 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

The Sonny Shack - Family
Published Jul 4, 2011
About Me
I'm just me. :-)
But I like to read, write... anything artsy, really. I love to play the sims, and I'm pretty handy with needles. Hey, you knit a sock with five dpns and see how many times you poke your eyes out!
My Latest Updates Show All
The Sims 4Written Nov 18, 2014
After a few years of not being active, I've come back to the sims. This time, it's for the Sims 4 -- which I was really skeptical about at first. I've decided that I love the game, especially build mode. Once you get used to it, it's a dream, and there's so many features that none of the other games have had (at least for build mode). I have a new house ready for uploading. All that I have... ...More
1k DownloadsWritten Jun 26, 2011
Wow! This seems like a huge milestone for me! I started submitting perhaps almost a week ago and already I have reached 1000 downloads. Yay! Thanks everyone! ^_^ ...More
Head, meet Desk!Written Jun 25, 2011
Head, meet Desk! I realize that the TSR site has been having... issues. Okay, it's been having a downright tempertantrum, and I know I'm not the only one who has noticed this. From what I've been reading in the chat, there's been a LOT of people who are having problems with the site, especially the uploader. For me, it stalls out and then gives me a string of code (yay) which I do not... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
ErinAOKOct 07, 2022
Thank you so much for your comment!
RirannJul 07, 2016
Hi! Thank you so much for your wonderful comment and all the kind words! I appreciate it very much! Have a great day!
InelizMay 30, 2015
Thanks for the comment! I received your message btw, and yes you can use it any of my walls or floors, I don't restrict them. Just put the link to where you got it from