stori_64 (1413771)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (299 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Doable Denim
Published Jun 23, 2010
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About Me
"Don't hate me because I'm a realist"...Mystheri Lane
My name is Mystheri,Theri for short but people usually just call me 'Myst'. I've been a member here for about 3 years but just started trying some developing.
Oh Lordy...If I could learn to mesh I'd be dangerous lol
Anyway, welcome to everyone, thanks for all the support and a special thanks to all those creating everyday...keep up the great work! You're awesome!! XOX~
My Latest Updates Show All
My PatternsWritten Oct 01, 2009
Le sigh... My latest pattern submissions really sucked I guess, LOL. I'm not getting many downloading. It might be some time before I make any more since I pretty much ran out of ideas. I'm really hoping to be able to catch on to meshing and do some really nice things like everyone else but I can't promise. I'm one of those people who learn best if being walked through things... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
SinastraOct 25, 2022
Hi Myst! I just wanted to let you know I am okay. I know you sent that message yeaaars ago now, and I don't know if you'll see this, but I appreciate your message to check on me. I don't remember why I left TSR, but I truly appreciate the message you left. Thank you!
fortunecookie1Aug 30, 2015
Mystheri, Thank you so much for your kind comments! They really made my day!
grecadeaJul 21, 2015
Hello! Thank you for your kind and warm comment! Have a nice day