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sweetwilight's Guestbook

NisukiFeb 19, 2017

.............. WHAT HAVE YOU DONEEEE ! XD well, I actually have no idea if it's possible.. I think you could try to contact Tumblr and if they don't trust it 100% you can tell them you can give all your possible emails, your password and perhaps even older passwords if you have changed it several times. I'm not entirely sure if they allow this, but trying never hurts!

krystalchhakchuakJun 14, 2015

Teacher! Thank you for all those time you guide me. I've changed thus, I deleted all my messages call me Catherine from now on \:\)

PrettysgiJun 3, 2015

Hey! Thanks a lot for the comment on my story, I'm glad you like it! \:D Have a nice day ♥♥♥

~Lutetia~Jun 2, 2015

Hiya, thank you so much for commenting on my mom jeans, I'm glad you like them!! Have a great day!! \:\)\:wub\:

jumpgirl_64May 14, 2015

sweettwilight! I was wondering when you'll be posting the next chapter of your story, Auroa High. There's no rush, just curious, I like the story. \:\)

PrettysgiMay 4, 2015

Hey sweetwilight! I'm glad you like the poses, can't wait to see them when you use them ^-^ Have a lovely monday! \:wub\:

soccerkick360Apr 25, 2015

Bonjour. Je ne comprends mais grâce pour les instructions. Je ne ai pas besoin d'eux . Je croyais que tu devais avoir mods posent . Tant pis. Merci pour l'effort de toute façon. Je pourrais utiliser un peu d'aide si . Je aimerais vraiment savoir si vous pouvez me faire un ensemble énorme de pantalons féminins , robes, chaussures et chemises se il vous plaît . Ce sera un grand merci . If you don't understand please use translate.\:\)

PrettysgiApr 2, 2015

Hi Thank you for commenting in my story :3 Have a nice day!

wasabichiApr 2, 2015

hey there! i just saw your post in my guestbook. been very busy... ehehehe! awww, thanks! i hope to hear more from you. have a great day ahead! \:\)

soccerkick360Apr 1, 2015

i dont know who u are and u sent me a message like i was new to the game.. IM NOT.

NisukiMar 26, 2015

You're welcome \:wub\: I even see you've been posting more adorable poses. Thank you very much hehe. I also noticed ... your stories... I already wondered why your name seemed so familair.. I've read all your stories, except for the one you've been working lately: "Aurora High". I really enjoyed So It Was You. Hehehe ^-^ I'll ever get to reading your newest story... but... *sigh* I've been very busy and I'm currently at like, page 7 of the story section... Oh well.. I hope you're having a beautiful day!

PrettysgiMar 25, 2015

What update about Sei? D: Anyway, you can go to my tumblr and send me the download link via private message \:\)

PrettysgiMar 25, 2015

Oh, okay! Then maybe I'll use my simself for that hehe. REALLY? :'''D That's so cute ^3^ I already want to see what you're gonna do! *jumps from emotion*

PrettysgiMar 25, 2015

Okay so I'll test the pose with them ^-^ Any prefered sim for the sweater? Or Jamie too? WHAAAT NOW YOU'VE MADE ME MORE INTERESTED D: What's with Sei?! OMGGG

PrettysgiMar 24, 2015

That sounds perfect \:D Tell me when your ready and I'll test it out for you ^-^ Also, if you like one of my sims more than others to test it, tell me and I'll do it with the one you want!

PrettysgiMar 22, 2015

Hi \:D You can call me Silvia if you want ^-^ Anyway, I loved the croptop! I really love it, I'm always looking for cute stuff that is not just ''body painting'', and it's hard to find, so your croptop was really usefull and I will use it for sure ^-^ Sweater version? YAY! I love sweaters! If you need someone to test ot your CC's, you know where to find me \:\) Have a nice day!

jumpgirl_64Mar 19, 2015

You can call me anything you want and I'm the same way with taking long to post my stories. Theirs so many distractions in this world! But I'll stay tuned for yours! Happy Simming! \:\)

PrettysgiMar 18, 2015

Ooooh I'm glad I made you feel like that, because you did kind of inspired me to start ^-^ And to reply on tumblr I just copy and paste the notification into a post and reply there, if that helps hehe. Thanks for reading my story!

PrettysgiMar 18, 2015

Hey! Thanks for your comments in both screenshots and story ^-^ Hope you liked it! Have a nice day ♥

Jessie86Mar 7, 2015

\:\) i can't wait

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