t0qt2bsngl (411776)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Published May 28, 2004
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chellefleurSep 27, 2006
hey love the teen guy outfit thanks
t0qt2bsnglSep 30, 2004
Rad, 'cause I haven't got the slightest clue how to use Adobe Photoshop. When I created those clothes, I took the jeans that were already there, opened up photoshop, and just changed the hue/saturation.. stuff like that, I don't have a lot of knowlege in the area of photoshop
dogluver_90Sep 26, 2004
HI my favorite store is american eagle too! I love your clothes! Do u think you could email me and tell me how to make some clothes on my own please? Well if you decide to could you email me at jetskichic1990@aol.com thanks. Britt