themcgfamily (1820643)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (15 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

country living 4
Published May 7, 2009
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
I am a stay at home mom to two beautiful kids.. married to my prince. I love to decorate and build houses on the sims 2... i am actually very addicted... and i get yelled at alot, but it keeps me happy and motivated to get things done on a daily basis. I hope to one day make my own creations... I thank everyone on TSR for all their awesome creations... very talented site... i enjoy simming every day and hope to for a very long time
My Latest Updates Show All
submitting screenshot, etcWritten Apr 02, 2010
hello everyone! I'm back in the swing of things and I would love to be able to take my sims creations a little further. I need some advice. I always see how beautiful uploaded creations look with the ability to type what creation it is. Do you get me! So for example, how can I upload a screenshot with text? lol. Is there a certain program to download. I feel like I... ...More
The Sims 3Written Jun 22, 2009
Hey simmers! I am getting the hang of the sims 3 and I like it, but I do miss the sims 2. I tend to go back and make more lots! But Does anyone know of ep's for the sims 3. Are we going to be able to go away on vacations,into stores, etc. I am still new to this so any input would help! How is everyone liking the sims 3? ...More
Southern Living SeriesWritten Apr 24, 2009
So I think I am definitely getting the hang of uploading & submitting my lots, finally! I have to say that everyone here on TSR are very talented and I can't put into words how much everyone here has impacted the sims2~ in a very special way of course! I would like to give a shout out too TSR ARTISTS/submitters & especially Windkeeper, TC100 Tori, Murano,... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
eviMay 09, 2010
Hi! Thank you very much for commenting on my family lot See you around
MuranoApr 07, 2010
Thanks for taking the time to sign my guestbook. Very appreciated!
AppleFallApr 06, 2010
I'm glad you enjoy my work! It's what I always aim to do. Have a nice day