tweety64801 (281442)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Country Estate
Published Mar 21, 2007
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About Me
There isn't anything really special to tell you about myself really. I work full time. I started playing The Sims in 2000 and have played every since. I play and love the game. The communities that I am apart of TSR mostly, MTS2 and PeggySims 2 I love the creations that I have found and really admire those who can create and share freely. I have been visiting TSR since 2000. I haven't found a site yet that is nearly as good as TSR. MTS2 is the best free site but TSR is the best subscription site. I love to build and learn to build.
My Guestbook Show All
MadisimMay 13, 2007
Hey tweety!
Thank you for the comment on my Westin Paradise Resort. I understand exactly what you are saying. Understand that is the 'centerpiece' of the resort to come, the new lots will be much smaller and playable for all. You don't have to 'play' my lots if you just want a different look to your hood! Thanks for the wonderful comments. ~Madison
gabgab1994Mar 24, 2007
Hey, Tweety! Thanks for commenting the Intro to my story! Hopefully, the 1st part will be up soon.
iZazuMar 17, 2007
Hi Tweety! I wanted to say, "Thank You!" for the wonderful complement you left for me in my guestbook. What a nice thing to say! You made a rather gloomy weather day into a brighter one, for me! Thanks so much and please enjoy my lots! And good luck building! Thanks again, Linda