tylerox12345 (3169881)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (20 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Liz Halbecker
Published Dec 30, 2010
About Me
Hello Everyone!!! I have been playing the Sims 2 and the Sims 3 (but now it's mostly Sims 3) But making Sims and Lots is the only thing that I can really do. Hopefully later on I can learn to Mesh and Create Objects.... So that's what I will do. My sister and I both make Sims, so we are kind of like a team effort!! Thank you all very much!! Please remember!!! We take requests, so feel free to request a Sim or a Lot... ;-)
-TLK Inc.-
My Latest Updates Show All
2,000 DoWnLoAdS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Written Jan 16, 2011
WOW!!!! 2,000 Downloads already!!? It seemed like only yesterday I had 1,000 downloads! Alright now.... I am having severe Simmers block. I NEED ideas for houses or Sims because some of mine are not very popular :/ The thing is... I download A LOT from the exchange and there are A LOT of subscriber creations... SO then I make almost 50 sims.....REALLY! (to replace the Sims in Twinbrook.)... ...More
1,000 DOWNLOADS!!!!!Written Nov 11, 2010
WHOOOOAAA!!!! 1,000 Downloads!!! That isn't a lot compared to many, but I am SOOO proud! Thanks you guys! Thank you for all of the wonderful comments and downloads ... !!! I am speechless ... It seems just like yesterday I uploaded Quinn Fabray and Salem Donovan ... !!! Again, Thank you SOOO much and I hope to be uploading soon! -TLK Creations- ...More
Oh the Launcher!! 3:-|Written Nov 09, 2010
Ahh... Doesn't everybody love the Launcher? Ya know, THE MOST HORRIBLE THING ON THE PLANET!?!?!?!?!! Well, it crashed my game .... the 4th TIME THIS MONTH!!! I have one of the fastest computers, and it has nothing to do with the memory. If I happen to download anything that is corrupt in any way possible, like the computer (so fast, yet so stupid!) doesn't recognize a .rar file!!!... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Lie76Dec 22, 2011
♥ Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ♥
Demented DesignsFeb 20, 2011
Thank you for the sweet comment on Biltmore. I hope you can get your game fixed and get to enjoy it!
Demented DesignsFeb 18, 2011
Almost done, if I am not to cross-eyed I may have it finished tonight. If I get busy with the boy's and it is not uploaded tonight it will be done by Saturday morning for sure. Sorry it took me a little longer then I expected because the roof turned into a real beast lol! Had to seek advice from Gissence for some ideas!