wheelie19a (379616)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (128 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Toddler Boy Lion Jacket /Gray Pants
Published Nov 16, 2006
About Me
You can find more of my creations all for free at http://www.simsfashionbarn.com along with many other talented creators. Come and check it out!
My Guestbook Show All
charrayJan 09, 2009
Great job on your creations, and thanks for sharing them
hippiebillFeb 13, 2008
No! I guess I'm not around much, anymore. Have a new girl-friend. Just as mean as me...fun, but painful! Haven't done much lately. Wished you a happy holiday season...just never sent it! I've talked to Melody a little...and Debra, just don't have the heart for it much. If you still have my email, I'd love to hear from you.-hippiebill
hatshepsutJan 26, 2008
Hi Sheri and thanks for the congratulations on my FA promotion. I still think I'm dreaming!