white rose (267902)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (142 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Published Jun 5, 2006
About Me
My daughter got me started on the Sims when it first came out. Have been playing ever since. About all I can do so far is make walls, so I hope you like them. If you have any requests for walls or floors I will be happy to see what I can come up with. Have gotten so much from all the wonderful people on this sight, thought I would try and give something back.
My Guestbook Show All
Sergeykins332Aug 30, 2006
no prob =) ~Serge
Sergeykins332Aug 30, 2006
not really, surprise me! I'll be the first to download =D ~Serge
Sergeykins332Aug 19, 2006
i relly like yer walls, ther so spunky and have a lil pazaaz im em =D an they look even better in the game, keep it up...seriously o_o cuz yer one of my favorite artists here for creating walls ~Serge