wickedgoddess_athena711 (599104)
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About Me
I am Lady Claudine Belnas.
I'm someone who's reserved, childlike and a bit naive. I have a big imagination and can be unpredictable. I love to hang out with my friends, with the girls we go malling and watch movies, while with the guys, I beat them up in computer games.
I'm proud to be a Filipina, petite, morena (kayumangi)and all.
What I love the most about sims 2 is because it combines two of my passions, writing stories and computer games!
My Guestbook Show All
Sims2CrazeDec 15, 2012
thanks and i love that story its problably my favorite story in the whole simsreacource!!!!
cutess45May 25, 2012
Hello wickedgoddess_athena711 !! I'm sooo sorry i replied SO LATE to you xDD I'm happy that there are also PINOYS here at TSR !! DDD (I'm also pinoy !! XDDDD)
WarrayfinsonApr 15, 2012
I LOVE your stories. You were one of the sole reasons I kept going on my stories, because you always inspired me. With your creative mind and wonderful personality, it’s no wonder you made an impression on me and the story community in TSR. I thank you for being my friend on here and offering me kind words of encouragement. Maybe we can have some Cocoa-cola and cookies sometime in the future *Hugs and gives cookies*