willsmom2005's Blog
New Lot
Ok guys, I stopped making custom content for the sims 2 because I was so busy for the past 6-7 months. My father had a massive stroke and was laid up in the hospital, clinging to life, for two months. Then after he got to go home I was taking care of him and my 5 year old son. So now that my 5 year old has the chicken pox and I am stuck in the house for a couple of weeks, I thought that this was the perfect time to start creating again.
Anyways, here we go 1st custom content created since January, it was approved today so I assume that my new lot will be available for download soon.
Nothing new
I have not posted anything in this blog in a while, mostly because I had a sick son at home last week and my school assignments for college have been kicking my butt. So as of right now I am no further with the story I am working on and I have just been playing the sims when I have time. I did post a new lot based on the home of the Golden Girls from the 80's t.v show but it was rejected because it had to much custom content so when I get a chance I am going to go back and try to fix it and resubmit it. I have also been working on a lot that is completly on a hillside but it "like school work" is kicking my butt. Anywho. Everyone out there have a wonderfull weekend and hugs to everyone.
And yes I clicked Enable Comments. lol
New lot Approved
My 2nd lot, has been approved. It is a small outside dinner for sims 2. I got the idea to make this lot while watching Dr Quinn Medicine woman. In the show Grace has an entirely outdoors dinner and I just loved the idea. I hope that everyone enjoys it.
Yes Margo, I did it again. So I was actually upset with myself and I deleted my last post and I am going to try this again. I even put a sticky note on the bottom of my computer screen to remind myself. I am still getting used to blogging, but so far I like it. Anywho the post that I deleted was about a story idea that I had. I am trying a story about people who are the last humans on earth, I have a million ideas on where I am going to go with it. I also have some other ideas but I am not sure if any of them are going to hash out. Anywho thanks for reading.
I am so happy tonight, a few minutes ago I actually got up and danced around my office. I got one apartment building approved. I have no idea when it will be available for download but for now just being approved is good enough for me.
Enabling Comments
Yes, I really have no idea what I am doing. No I am not making fun of myself it is true. Did I mention that besides just having learned how to use bodyshop I also have never kept a blog before. So I did not know that in order for someone to reply to one of my blogs I first had to "Enable comments". Thank you Margo for telling me that, if you had not I would have gone on forever in the dark.
Still Waiting
I uploaded my first submission over the weekend and I am still waiting to hear anything. THE WAITING IS KILLING ME. I know I am new to this but does it usually take this long?
First Blog
Ok so this is my new blog. For the past few nights I have been trying to figure out how to make sims useing body shop. Ok so actually I had trouble just trying to get Body Shop to work. But Anywho I made my first sim and I uploaded her to TSR. SO now I am just waiting to see if she is approved. Wish Me LucK