zmajce (1959591)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

All you need
Published Apr 26, 2008
About Me
Well... I am friendly person and you wouldnt guess I LOVE The Sims! I was always more interested in an introduction movie of any game than a game itself, and when I find out that there is a whole game like that where you have so much possibilities I was more than trilled! I am a huge fan of The sims, and later The Sims2 ever since! Now that I now how to upload some things you will see some interesting ideas for furnishing your houses, *couse that is what I love to do! Thank you for the attention, see ya!
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andi and grimDec 24, 2008
Hi, just here to say merry Christmas and happy new year!
maja89Jun 05, 2008
cao, klikni molim te na hvala!
evetsangelJun 01, 2008
Thanks for the comment on my screenshot.